MarÃÆÃÂa E. Cortez-LÃÆópez, Fernando HernÃÆández-TerÃÆán, Pedro Cano-RÃÆÃÂos, Mireya SÃÆánchez-Garza, Ricardo M. Cerda-Flores and RamÃÆón RomÃÆán-GÃÆámez, JesÃÆús R. Arguello-Astorga
To determine the frequency of episomal and/or integ rated HPV forms in women with varying grades of dysplasia and determine the risk in the various gra des of dysplasia. The 53 cervical biopsies of women were previously diagnosed. All samples underwent su btype characterization and identification of the high oncogenic risk viruses. The control group cons isted of 24 women without HPV. Frequencies for CIN I, CIN II, CIN III and Cervical Cancer were hig her in the episomal form than in the integrated for m. The control group showed neither episomal nor integ rated forms. Women with CIN I showed OR of 0.151 (p = 0.049) and CC of 26.4 (p = 0.006). Resul ts from this research show a trend towards decrease in the episomal form and towards increase in the in tegrated form in relation to the varying grades of dysplasia as it has been reported by the literature .
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