G. Z. Ugwu and P. O. Ezema
Aeromagnetic data over Abakaliki and Nkalagu areas of the Lower Benue Trough of Nigeria were interpreted by forward and inverse Modelling techniques. A highly interactive 3-D modelling software (Potent V4:10:02) of the Geophysical Software Solutions was used for the modelling exercise. The anomalies over the study area were modelled by spherical, prismatic or dyke-like bodies. These bodies are emplaced at various depths of between 2km and 22km, either within the Cretaceous sediment or in the basement. The magnetic susceptibility of most of these bodies, as revealed by the model results, indicate that the bodies are igneous rocks. The igneous intrusions in the study area account for the mineralization in the area. Although depth extents of 10-22km obtained for some anomalies in the study area could be favourable sites for accumulation of hydrocarbons, the presence of large number of intrusions makes this part of the Benue Trough incapable of holding any significant hydrocarbon potentials.
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