Mubashrah Jamil, Riaz-ul-Haq Tariq and Jamil Hussain Shah
Computer Ethics (CE) is the direction for the use of computer and information technology (C and IT) either at workplace or in society in general. Extensive applications of C and IT alarmed the researchers and teachers in universities to integrate CE either as a subject or as a part of a subject in curriculum. Therefore, this research aimed to survey teachers’ perceptions about the ethical use of computer and information technology. A questionnaire was designed in which different computer and Different computer and internet related activities were presented in the questionnaire. And it was required to respond whether the given use in the activity is, Right, Wrong or Neither Right Nor Wrong. Total 498 teachers, from two public and two private sectors universities participated in the study. The survey showed that teachers’ perceptions about the ethical use of C and IT were different in terms of designation, subjects, area (i.e. residential location), computer training experiences and prior knowledge of CE. No significant differences were found between the responses of male and female teachers. Average responses of sampled teachers clarified that all teachers from different groups were literally recognize and able to differentiate between the ethical an unethical use of C and IT. But in some cases they require more knowledge or training to understand C and IT ethics.
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