Effect of education on knowledge of acute flaccid paralysis | 16389
International Research Journals

Effect of education on knowledge of acute flaccid paralysis reporting among private medical doctors in Ondo state, Nigeria


Aladeniyi O.I, Dairo M.D, Akpa O.M and Ajayi O.I

Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance system in Nigeria remains largely dependent on reporting from public health facilities while other potential re porting sources such as private medical facilities are neglected. An understanding of th e knowledge and practice gaps on AFP surveillance among private medical doctors in Ondo State is essential to the d esign of programmes to enhance their involvement. This study was conducted in two stages. Stage one was a cross sectional survey, which involved the use of a semi-structured questionnaire which contained WHO surv eillance criteria and was used to obtain baseline information. Stage two was a intervention, where respondents were divided into four groups based on their specific locations. A day training was conducted on AFP surveillance and reporting, using WHO reference standard, with a ten point knowledge scale. Good knowledge score was categorised as a score > 5. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and student t-test at 5% level of significance. The findings from the study indi cate that education through training improved knowledge of acute flaccid paralysis reporting among private medical doctors. Therefore, training and provision of necessary logistic support may transl ate into improvement of acute flaccid paralysis reporting cases among private medical doctors.

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