Effect of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) diet on the se | 17262
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Effect of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) diet on the selected bacterial population and chemical properties of caecal digesta of Sprague Dawley rats


Eni Harmayani, Ika Dyah Kumalasari and Y. Marsono

The objective of this research was to study the effect of arrowroot containing diet on the bacterial population and chemical properties of rat digesta. Eighteen male rats of the same age with a body weight of 200-250 g were used in the study. Rats were divided into three groups and fed with standard AIN93 diet (control) and arrowroot diets as source of fiber (ARF) 0.75 g/day and source of starch (ARC) 9.31 g/day for 14 days. Dietary fiber and oligosaccharide content of the arrowroot powder were analyzed. The result showed that arrowroot powder contained 14.86 % of dietary fiber, 396.9 ppm of raffinose, 270.8 ppm of lactulose and low amount of stachyose (<56 ppm) . In vivo study indicated that diet containing arrowroot powder increased population of lactobacilli significantly (p<0.05), while the viable counts of bifidobacteria, Eschericia coli and Clostridium perfringens were not significantly (p>0.05) different. The digesta of rats fed with arrowroot diet had a lower pH, higher water content, higher butyrate compared to those of control diet suggested that this diet had a better health effects. It can be concluded that supplementation of arrowroot powder in the diet improved bacterial and chemical properties of digesta.

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