Compliance of Core Risk for Smooth Banking Operation | 17737
International Research Journals

Journal of Research in Economics and International Finance

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Compliance of Core Risk for Smooth Banking Operation


Mohammed Ziaul Haider and Belal Hossain

Compliance to core risks is very important for a bank to operate smoothly. The Pubali Bank Limited (PBL) of Bangladesh has been trying to establish itself as a reputed bank through strengthening and expanding compliance activities. This study considered randomly selected forty branches of PBL from all over Bangladesh. It attempted to measure the impact of compliance culture on bank deposit and profit using regression model analysis. It considered six types of risks as core risks, namely Credit Risk (CR), Asset Liability Management Risk (ALMR), Anti Money Laundering Risk (AMLR), Foreign Exchange Risk (FER), Internal Control and Compliance Risk (ICCR) and Information Technology Risk (ITR) to present compliance culture. The regression results revealed that CR, ICCR and ITR positively and significantly influenced bank deposit, while CR and FOR positively and significantly influenced bank profit. The data analysis results also indicated that PBL had been doing well in complying with core risks. Therefore, it could be said that if the bank expands and strengthens compliance activities, it might play a significant role for smooth operation of the bank along with increasing deposit and profit.

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