Amit Aggarwal, Soheyl Sheikh, Shambulingappa Pallagatti, Neha Bansal and Gaurav Goyal
HIV/AIDS, a social disease took pandemic form withi n a short span of time affecting 40 million people throughout the globe. Adults of the developing coun tries are the main victim of the disease contributi ng to 95% of the total world’s HIV infection and 90% d eath. In the absence of effective cure to this dise ase, it can be very easily prevented by IEC (information , education, communication) activities regarding behavioral changes. With increasing numbers of HIV/ AIDS patients, dentists and nurses taking care of these patients should have sufficient knowledge of the disease, and their attitude and behavior should be proper. In our study, we aimed to examine the le vel of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among dental students including UG- PG and nursing students and to investigate attitudes and behavior, and differences of knowledge between dental and nursing students.
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