Availability and Utilization of Traditional Medicinal Plants | 91048
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Availability and Utilization of Traditional Medicinal Plants Used By Local Communities of Haro Limu Woreda, East Wollega Zone


Temesgen Tafesse* and Desalegn Amenu

Traditional medicines are still the most affordable and the most accessible sources of treatment in the primary health care system. Recently, a dramatically increasing prevalence brought illness to the focus of public health interests. Thus, this study was conducted to assess availability and Unitization of traditional medicinal plants being used to treat different human illness at Gidda Ayena Woreda, East Wollega Zone of Oromia regional state Ethiopia (Birhanu A et al., 2006). In an ethno botanical survey in defined rural and urban areas randomly identified sites were selected to identify the most well experienced practitioners that are known by using traditional medicinal plants to treat human illness using question, observation and interviewed in a structured manner about their administration were used to collect appropriate data from the informants. There were different medicinal plants belonging to different families that have been used to treat different allies at the study area (Arihan O et al., 2007). Traditional medicinal plants are commonly used in the study area to treat disease. The available data regarding the medicinal activity of the plants is not sufficient to adequately evaluate or recommend their use. Clinical intervention studies are required to provide evidence for a safe and effective use of the identified plants in the treatment of different illness (Wassihun B et al., 2003).

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