Analysis of Oxidative Phosphorylation of E.Coli in VHDL focu | 18149
International Research Journals

Analysis of Oxidative Phosphorylation of E.Coli in VHDL focused on gene sequence alteration


T.K. Basak, Jian Ni, Guangyue Shi, Deepali Garg, Madhubala Bhatt, T. Ramanujam, Sudheer Patil, Narendra Murtare, S. Jeybalan

The present paper describes the oxidative phosphorylation of protein Ugd of E.Coli, linked with thyrosine phosphorylation of UDP gulucose dehydrogenase by Wzc and Etk. It is to be noted that during the process of dehydrogenases, the energy coupled with antiporters would facilitate the growth of etk knockout mutant gene in the specific pH range of E. coli environment. These mutant genes are responsible for resistance to polymyxin, which is an important consideration for the development of medicine for treatment of cancer. In this paper, gene analysis is done using VHDL with MODELSIM to illustrate the oxidative phosphorylation phase of Ugd gene. Simulink block diagram (.mdl file), derived from MATLAB simulation has been used to generate transfer function representing the oxidative phosphorylation in the E. coli environment with PKC. This transfer function has been programmed in VHDL. The input to VHDL is obtained from the output of the homeostat coupled with the transduction phase linked with PKC âÃ?â??Ã?Ë?Ã?â??Ã?â? . From the output of the VHDL it is possible to monitor the sequencing of mutant gene related to pH responsible for resistance to antibody required for treatment of cancer.

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