A systematic review on Solanum xanthocarpum L. (Solanaceae) | 87846
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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A systematic review on Solanum xanthocarpum L. (Solanaceae) plant and its potential pharmacological activities


Sandip G. Laware* and Nitin L. Shirole

Solanum xanthocarpum plant is also known as the Yellow Berried Nightshade or Kantkari in Sanskrit belonging to the family Solanaceae. In Ayurveda, this plant has described the herb as a bitter, digestive, pungent, and alternative astringent in ancient times. This plant is most widely found in the Indian regions in tropical and warm temperature regions. This is the prickly herb and most important in the traditional system and one of the members of Dasamula of the Ayurveda. This herb belongs to panchmulas which includes solasodine and diosgenin. Due to the presence of the prickles in the herb, it is also known as the Duhsparsa, its meaning is difficult to touch. The plant has a variety of pharmacological activities like Larvicidal activity, Bacterial activity, Antihyperglycemic, Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective activities. Many researchers have been investigated the therapeutic activity of the plant which has been described in the review. Solasodine and diosgenin are the main chemical constituents present in the plant and have therapeutic activity. The whole plant possesses various potential uses including eco-friendly attributes. The present review is the summarization of all available data of Solanum xanthocarpum and the compilation of all updated information of its pharmacological activities and phytochemical constituents.

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