Mehboob Elahi, Zahid Atta Cheema, Shahzad Maqsood Ahmed Basra, Muhammad Akram, Qurban Ali
Two field trials were conducted at Research Area, Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. In first study water extracts of sorghum, sunflower, rice and brassica were tank mixed each @ 12 L ha-1 with each other and also with reduced rates of phenoxaprop-p-ethyl (287 g ha-1) and isoproturon (333 g ha-1). Both herbicides at recommended rates (862 and 1000 g ha-1 respectively) were used as standard treatments. In second study sorghum and sunflower water extracts @ 12 and 15 l ha-1 were combined with each other in 3:2 ratio of affinity as well as recommended dose of affinity and isoproturon were used as a standard. A weedy check was also included in both experiments for comparison. Result of first study revealed that weed dry matter production by sorgaab, sunfaab and rice water extracts with one third dose of isoproturon was 92 and 93% at 40 and 70 DAS. It was superior (61 and 62% at 40 and 70 DAS) to the label dose of phenoxaprop-p-ethyl and increased grain yield by 22.79%; it was also economical, giving higher net returns and percent marginal returns whereas another economical treatment was isoproturon @ 1000 g ha-1 which gave 93% reduction in weed dry weight and 30% increase in grain yield. Results of second study revealed that weed dry matter production by sorgaab, sunfaab and 1/2 dose of affinity was 99%(100 DAS) which increased grain yield by 38.02%; it was also economical, giving higher net benefits and marginal rate of return whereas sorgaab + sunfaab @ 12 L ha-1 two sprays (40 and 60 DAS) was also an economical treatment and increased grain yield by 6.77%.
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