Kyaw Min, Surasak Taneepanichskul, Kanittha Charmroonsawasdi, Ratana Somrongthong, Damrong Reinprayoon
Pregnancy among young adolescents is a significant problem in the world. Migrant workers from Myanmar come from a variety of geographical locations and ethnic groups. According to Samut Sakorn provincial healt h office data, there are 1,507 antenatal care cases, 1,517 d elivery cases and 113 abortion cases among 7,000 My anmar migrant women in 2009. Abortion rate is three times more than 2008 in same population. The objective o f the situational study was to get the information from t he adolescent (15-19 years) and youth (20-24 years) Myanmar migrants in relation to their knowledge, behavior, practice and supportive services to reduce unintend ed pregnancy for “PEARL” model intervention. Qualitativ e research method was applied among a total of 30 Myanmar migrants for in-depth interviews. Myanmar m igrants were selected by random sampling in the age d group 15 – 24 years old. In addition, 5 in-depth in terviews were conducted with key informants from pr ovincial health office and NGOs. The researcher carried out the NIVO version 9, qualitative analysis soft ware. In the finding, youth age (20-24) was mostly found married and separated cases. Male respondents had more act ive in sexual behavior than female respondents. Family and social support was one factor to relate two ways. Family especially living together with relatives or parent s reduced high risk of sexual behavior and social e nvironment supports could get health information especially fa mily planning pills. But social support would be ri sk to have an information and experience to get high risk of sexu al behavior. Education was an important fact in se xual behavior, knowledge and attitude. It had also highl y related with leisure activities and personal goal . And then rarely respondents used condom when they have sexua l intercourse. Findings were applied and validated at research proposal. Developing appropriate IEC (Info rmation, Education, and Communication) materials fo r different target groups of migrants, e.g., adolesce nt and young people especially young people with ap propriate education level should be done. The sustainability of the services and education section should be ens ured.
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