Amanda de Araujo Mesquita, Midian Oliveira Dias, Inez Silva de Almeida, Marcele Zveiter, Carollyne Gomes de França Valle , Andreia Jorge da Costa
The goal of this study was to: understand the pregn ant Being-in-the-world (Dasein) in the final trimes ter of a low risk pregnancy. The present article is the result of qualitative research based on Heidegger' s phenomenology. Ten interviews were conducted with p regnant women in their third trimester of a low risk gestation. Results: due to their limitations, the pregnant Dasein becomes dependant of her partne r and family. The pregnant Dasein longs for the momen t that she will take care of her baby, be in its company, because she already fosters feelings for t he baby. The pregnant Dasein in the final trimester of a low risk pregnancy requires care and support f rom her partner and family members during the pregnancy. It was noted that this being has doubts, fears and longings, and is more vulnerable. Therefore, a nurse that carries out low risk prenat al care during this period should be present, improving the quality of the approach to women and thus meet their needs.
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