Sorghum bmr6 and bmr12 lines may provide new forage opportun | 100984
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International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Sorghum bmr6 and bmr12 lines may provide new forage opportunities in West Africa.


Ousmane Seyni Diakite*, Daniel K. Dzidzienyo, Abdoul Kader M. Soulé, Housseini Baba Haoua, Niaba Teme, Danquah Eric, Tongoona Pangirayi and Mitchell Tuinstra

Sorghum stover consisting of stalks and leaves collected from production fields after grain harvest is a significant source of feed for livestock across West Africa. Improving the dry matter yield and the nutritional value of stover from locally-adapted sorghum varieties may contribute to mitigation of animal feed shortages that are common in this region. The Brown midrib (Bmr) Bmr6 and Bmr12 genes were introgressed in two Nigerien elite sorghum varieties for stover improvement. The parental lines and derived progenies were tested in replicated field trials for differences in agronomic performance including grain and stover production. The stover samples were characterized for differences in nutritional characteristics including dry matter, NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin). Statistical analyses indicated highly significant differences among entries for grain yield, fresh stover yield, dry matter yield, and nutrients content. The Bmr genotypes performed well compared with the conventional varieties. El Mota Bmr12 produced 3.0-3.5 tonnes ha-1 for grain yield. Sepon-82 Bmr6 produced 16.5 tonnes ha-1 fresh stover yield and 16.4 tonnes ha-1 dry matter yield. The Bmr genotypes showed improved nutritional values. Promising lines were identified using the Baker’s Standard Deviation method. The introgression of the Bmr genes enhanced the nutritional values of sorghum lines for dual purpose uses for local farmers.

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