Dominic O. Osaghae, Leo N. Mukwuzi âÃâ¬Ãâ Odum, Eki Edobor and Sam N. Enukegwu
Prune Belly Syndrome is characterized by deficient a nterior abdominal wall, obstruction in the urinary tract and failure of testicular descent. It occurs in 1 in 40,000 live births with a male preponderanc e. Its presenting features can sometimes be missed by new and inexperienced clinicians, and more so by traditional birth attendants and parents. Such case s usually will present late with complications. Thi s report on a 3 week old male newborn that presented with typical features of the syndrome is aimed at highlighting the difficulties associated with the m anagement of PBS in Benin City. We observed that young maternal age, male sex and use of herbal conc octions in pregnancy were possible risk factors in developing PBS. We therefore recommend that all wom en of child bearing age should be taught to avoid using herbal concoctions and non-prescription drugs in pregnancy.
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