Ghamba PE, Mangoro ZM and Waza DE
Nosocomial infection caused by methicillin resistan t staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) presents with management difficulties in infected patients d ue to their resistance to a number of other frontline antibiotics and constitutes significant e pidemiological problems. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of methicill in resistant S. aureus and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in clinical isolates in Bauchi. There is dearth of information on this subject in Bauchi. One hundred and fifty (150) S. aureus isola tes from various clinical specimens obtained over a 12-month period in the Microbiology Departme nt of Specialist Hospital Bauchi, Bauchi state were subjected to methicillin susceptibility testing, while including susceptibility testing to other antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Out of 150 S. aureus isolates tested, 42(28.0%) were found to be methicillin resistant. While 24(57 .1%) MRSA isolates were obtained from in- patients, 18(42.0%) MRSA were from out-patients. Fe male patients had 27 (64.3%) MRSA isolates, while male patients had 15 (35.7%) MRSA i solates. Urine sample had the highest prevalence of 17 (40.5%) MRSA isolates, while the l east was from ear swab with 4 (2.7%), and there was no MRSA isolated from nasal swab. Antibio tics sensitivity results of methicillin- susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methic illin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with common antibiotics Gentamicin and Cipro floxacin were encouraging. A prevalence of 28.0% MRSA in this environment calls for urgent intervention strategies due to its possible rapid spread and therapeutic problem.
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