Prevalence of cigarette smoking among adolescents in Calabar | 17947
International Research Journals

Prevalence of cigarette smoking among adolescents in Calabar city, south-eastern Nigeria


Friday Akwagiobe Odey, Ita Bassey Okokon, Jude Ogbeche Ogbeche, Godwin Terver Jombo, Emmanuel Eyo Ekanem

The global prevalence of cigarette smoking is incre asing especially in developing countries where 80% of tobacco deaths occur. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking among adolescents in Calabar, Nigeria. This was a c ross sectional study of smoking among apparently healthy adolescents between the ages of 10 – 18 yea rs. Demographic data and smoking habits were obtained from secondary school students over a two month period. Cigarette smoking was defined as smoking at least one stick of cigarette a week. Dat a generated was entered into EPI-INFO and analyzed. Four hundred and fifty-eight students were screened and 375 participants were enrolled. The prevalence of cigarette smoking among the study par ticipants was 6.4%. The prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher among males (13.0%) than females (2.1%) and the difference was statistically significant (p <0.001). The prevalence of obesity w as 1.9%. There was no statistical difference betwee n the social classes and cigarette smoking (p = 0.52) . The prevalence of cigarette smoking in this adolescent population is of public health importanc e. Enforcement of legislation that bans sale of cigarette to children and adolescents among other m easures, such as health education, are possible ways of preventing the epidemic in this environment .

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