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International Research Journals


Marwa M Elmaghrabi* and Radwa A Mehanna

Stem cells biology has become apparentas a major area of biomedical research with eventual implementationsindevelopmental biology, diseasemodeling, drug development, tissue engineering, toxicity testing and furtherextra different applications. Implementationof stem cells in regenerative medicine augurs well for improving human health by resorting the cells function and tissues damaged due to injuryor degeneration.

stem cell biology has emerged as an important area of biomedical research with potential applications in developmental biology, disease modeling, tissue engineering, drug development, toxicity testing and others.Use of stem cells in regenerative medicine holds promise for improving human health by restoring the function of cells and tissues damaged due to degeneration and/or injury [1].

Like all other medical innovations, emerging research on stem cells and translational biology not only requires a sound scientific rationale, but also strict adherence to ethical, legal and social issues.stem cell biology has emerged as an important area of biomedical research with poten alapplica ons in developmental biology, disease modelling, ssue engineering, drug development, toxicitytesting and others.Regenerative medicine cell therapy ispotentiallyone of the most presentaspects of the recenttherapeutic methods. Nevertheless, this presents a number of highrankingbiosafetyissues like the possible microorganisms transmission to the recipients. The most common potential contamination forms in these cell products maybe bacterial (including Mycoplasma), fungal,yeast, andviral [2].

One of cell culturingrequirements is a highly nutrient medium which cause microorganisms and their spores’ attraction, consequentlyexposing the cells to different types of microbial contamination ergo, nip uptheirgrowthand alter their characteristics feature in culture medium.Thiscontamination may arise from the laboratory environment (bad cleaning, disinfecting, sterilization and fumigation) and/ or personals(researchers, equipment's operators, and candidates), cell lines received from other labs(external cell lines), bad handling (mixed contamination), and reagents [3]. Aseptic technique and regular audit with routine microbiological investigations are the key defensetoolsagainst such risks

The stem cell labs, cryopreservation banks and other research labsaim not only to screen all processed stem cell lines for the incidence of microorganisms, butalso, to identify theirtypes commonly contaminating the cell culture and the sources of contaminating, as well as see their effects on cultured and cryopreserved cells and to assure that no contaminants are introduced in the proceduresofbanking. It is a standard part of current good practice in stem cell banks to carry out routine microbiological controls and restrictions of the stem cell lines and to work in a controlled environment to reduce the probability of contamination transmission in the stem cells final products [4].

This mini review provides an outline of the occurrence frequency,sources,effects, detection monitoring methods, elimination and prevention of cell linesmicrobial contamination.

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