Isolation and biochemical characterization of endophytic bac | 99437
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Isolation and biochemical characterization of endophytic bacteria associated with roots of Salvadora oleoides.


Neelam Poonar*, Ritu Kumari, Shweta Sharma, Anita Yadav and Sangeeta Kumari

The reduction of plant diseases by the use of plant associated microbes is being increased nowadays. Microorganisms which are isolated from surface sterilized plant tissues and which have no negative impact on plant growth are called as endophytic microbes. In the present investigation, sampling of the Salvadora Oleoides was done from 6 different sites of Rajasthan state and endophytes associated with these plants were isolated and cultured. Then those were identified by biochemical and culture techniques. Results of our investigations confirmed the presence of Pseudomonas syringae in all the isolates.

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