Factors Predicting Mortality in Pediatric Intensive Care Uni | 17087
International Research Journals

Factors Predicting Mortality in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a Tertiary Care Center Southwest Region, Saudi Arabia


Ali M. Alsuheel and Ayed A. Shati

Pediatric intensive care units (PICU) aim at promot ing qualified care with the objective of achieving the best results and better progress for critically ill children. Mortality is the most frequently ass essed outcome in PICU. This study was carried out to assess the factors co ntributing to the patient mortality in our PICU, including PRISM III and other predicti ng factors. This is a retrospective medical record review study. We reviewed and analyzed all files for pediatric patients who were admitted to the PICU at Aseer Central Hospital (ACH), during the period from January 2006 till December 2008. A total of 171 patients fulfilled the eligible criteria for in clusion. During the study period 171 patients were admitted to the PICU, of whom 64 (37.4%) died. In m ultivariate logistic regression analysis, considering those who did not need mechanical venti lation as a reference category, those who needed mechanical ventilation were almost three tim es more likely to die in the ICU (adjusted OR: 3.44, 95% CI: 1.01-11.69). Children who had total p arenteral nutrition were almost three-folded more likely to die in the ICU than those who had no tota l parenteral nutrition (adjusted OR: 2.87, 95% CI: 1.06-7.74). Those with higher PRISM III scores were more likely to die and this probability of dying increase steadily with increase of PRISM III score. High PRISM III score, application of mechanical ventilator and total parenteral nutrition were sign ificantly associated with higher mortality rate in PICU.

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