Effects of irrigation with waste water from different indus | 17803
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Effects of irrigation with waste water from different industries on vegetables grown in vicinity of Faisalabad, Pakistan


Irum Bashir Khan jadoon, Shafaqat Ali, Qurratulain Bashir Khan Jadoon, Muhammad Bilal Shakoor, Saima Aslam Bharwana, Muhammad Ahsan Farooq

Faisalabad is known for its various industries such as textile, ghee, paper and tanneries etc. There is scarcity of water so irrigation in Faisalabad is mostly done by recycle waste water from these industries. This review focuses on effects of different industrial effluents on various vegetables grown in the Faisalabad city. Waste water from different industries such as textile and paper industries etc. is discharged into streams and land with or without any secondary or tertiary treatment. This results in severe effect on the surface and underground water and also affects the quality of crops. Under different amounts of effluents there are improved seedling and root lengths of various vegetables and on the other side at high concentration of numerous effluents there is a decreased germination and reduced growth. Untreated textile effluent decreased biomass of root and shoot but treated textile effluent resulted in a prominent growth, increase sugar and protein percentage. Waste water from textile, ghee and various industries contains heavy metals that accumulate in vegetables and has negative impacts on vegetables grown. Heavy metals such as Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Pb results in inhibition of root growth, reduced yield due to less uptake of water and nutrients and reduced plant growth and seed germination.

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