Changing paradigm of food retailing in Mysore city: A study | 17623
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Changing paradigm of food retailing in Mysore city: A study of MORE, Aditya Birla


Dr. H. M. Chandrashekar

Retail Industry, one of the fastest changing and vibrant industries in the world, has contributed to the economic growth of many countries. The term 'retail' is derived from the French word retailer which means 'to cut a piece off or to break bulk'. In simple terms, it implies a first-hand transaction with the customer. Retailing involves a direct interface with the customer and the coordination of business activities from end to end- right from the concept or design stage of a product or offering, to its delivery and post-delivery service to the customer. The industry has contributed to the economic growth of many countries and is undoubtedly one of the fastest changing and dynamic industries in the world today. In this research paper an attempt is made to analyze the Changing Paradigm of Food Retailing in Mysore city with reference to MORE Aditya Birla.

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