Nwankwo NC, Orazulike N C, Udensi U.
Cervicovesical fistula is very rare. Vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) is commoner and in this environment follows prolonged obstructed labour and pelvic surgery. A case of cervicovesical fistula following caesarean section (C/S) with normal puerperium is reported, thus highlighting the risks associated with caesarean section. O.A. was sent for hysterosalpingography (HSG) nine (9) months after she noticed blood in urine during menses-menouria which started three (3) months after a caesarean section. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) was done and uterine cavity demonstrated as well as urinary bladder. The fistulous communication between the cervical region and urinary bladder was demonstrated. Cervicovesical fistula can develop following C/S with no apparent puerperal complication. Menouria is one of the clinical presentations and HSG is useful in the diagnosis. Standard surgical technique is imperative if this rare condition is to be avoided.
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