Bacterial and Fungal Population Assessment in Smoked Fish du | 48062
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Bacterial and Fungal Population Assessment in Smoked Fish during Storage Period


Priyanka Rani Majumdar

Fish and fisheries products are the vital good nutritious food everywhere the planet which represents about 15-20% of all animal protein on a worldwide basis. But the nutritional value in fish mostly depends on the freshness of fish. Damage of fish starts with the death of fish thanks to enzymatic digestion, oxidation of fat and bacterial decomposition. But Microbial action has been playing an outsized role within the spoilage of fish. all kinds of foods has its natural characteristics like appearance, texture, smell, taste and flavor. If any change in one or more of those characteristics of food indicates the food spoilage which can cause illness due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins. After the death of fish, spoilage bacteria enter the muscle from the skin and gills, disintegrate the muscle cells and take necessary energy to grow. So, differing types of processing and preservation methods must be followed as soon as possible after the catching of fish to stay the freshness and nutritive value of fish. The purpose of fish preservation is to succeed in the fish or fisheries product to an ultimate consumer in good and usable condition. differing types of fish preservation methods like chilling and icing of fish, freezing of fish, sun drying of fish, smoking, salting, fermentation, canning of fish etc. are followed mostly altogether the regions of Bangladesh to succeed in the fish or fisheries product to an ultimate consumer in good and usable condition and stop or reduce the post-harvest losses. Smoked fish is very accepted food items in our country but haven't practiced altogether the regions of Bangladesh. Smoking is that the method of fish preservation effected by a mixture of drying and deposition of naturally produced chemicals resulting from the thermal breakdown of wood (Smoldering/smoke production).

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