Ante-partum haemorrhage and pregnancy outcome in LAUTECH Tea | 18061
International Research Journals

Ante-partum haemorrhage and pregnancy outcome in LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, southwestern Nigeria


Adekanle D. A, Adeyemi A.S, Fadero F.F

Obstetric haemorrhage has been the leading cause of maternal death in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. Prevention, early detection and prompt management can not be overemphasized. Prompt detection and appropriate treatment of Antepartum haemorrhage would reduce significantly morbidity and mortality associated with obstetric haemorrhage. The aim of this study is to compare the pregnancy outcome of mothers treated for Ante-partum haemorrhage (APH) with those who did not receive any treatment. This is a case-control study of women who had treatment for APH compared with those who had none. Women with APH had significant maternal and neonatal complications. These include maternal anaemia, blood transfusion, prolonged hospital stay and caesarean deliveries while neonatal complications were birth asphyxia, admission to neonatal intensive care unit and perinatal death. Women with APH constituted a major obstetric challenge and concerted efforts must be made by the practicing obstetrician in this environment to identify those at risk in order to plan adequately.

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