The role of inhibition of sonic hedgehog signaling pathway i | 52246
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The role of inhibition of sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in increasing the sensitivity of doxorubicin in hepatocellular carcinoma


Dr. Jeng Kuo-Shyang

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Because of its high complexity, heterogeneity, and early vascular metastasis, the recurrence rate remains high. Chemotherapy is for those who are not candidates for resection or who need downstaging treatments prior to liver transplantation or who develop postoperative recurrence. However, poor responses to chemotherapeutic reagents and side effects remain a problem. Therefore, to increase the therapeutic effect and reduce side effects in chemotherapy is an important issue. In this study, the Hh signaling pathway is involved in HCC cell survival, cell migration, and cancer stem cells. In addition, there is a synergistic effect to reduce cell survival and cell migration when combining Smo inhibitor GDC-0449 and chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin. It suggested the blockade of the Shh pathway could increase the sensitivity of doxorubicin in HCCs.

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