Presence of coliform producing extended spectrum beta lactam | 17013
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Presence of coliform producing extended spectrum beta lactamase in sachet-water manufactured and sold in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state, Nigeria.


Afiukwa Felicita Ngozi, Iroha Ifeanyichukwu Romanus, Afiukwa Celestine Azubuike,Ayogu, Thomas Eze, Oji Anthonia Egwu, Onwa Ndubuisi Collins

Five different brands of sachet- water comprising of ten pieces per batch of each brand manufactured, sold and consumed in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State including My Summit, Gospel, Nnenne, Bewell and Ageless (NAFDAC Registered) were collected from each company in Abakaliki town and examined for the presence of Feacal coliforms using standard Microbiology technique. Isolated coliforms were later screened for production of extended spectrum beta lactamase enzymes using double disk synergy test method. Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of both ESBL producing and non-ESBL producing strains were evaluated using disk diffusion method. A total of 11 (4.4%) strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from all the sachets examined, 3(1.2%) strains of Enterobacter spp were isolated from MS, GP and AG while 4(1.6%) of Klebsiella spp were isolated from MS, GP, BW and AG. 2(18 %) of E. coli isolated from Age-less sachet- water produced ESBL enzyme while no ESBL production was detected from Enterobacter and Klebsiella spps. Antimicrobial susceptibility studies showed that both ESBL producing and non-ESBL producing strains were resistant to all antibiotic tested showing a multi-drug resistance of both strains. Our findings are of serious public health concern which suggest that sachetwater should be well treated before selling to the public for consumption and also that more work should be carried out to determine the presence of resistant micro-organisms present in water.

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